Hyperallergic's year in comics

Outside of emailing with friends or some argumentative text messages, I don't really do the "Best of" thing. I'll probably post "the best" writing that I've read here at my site as I've done in years past, but I never really feel as if I've consumed enough of anything over the course of a year (other than pizza) to tell you that one thing is better than the other. I can always tell you that I liked something, so there's that, right? That said, it was nice to have been asked to contribute to Hyperallergic’s “Best of 2018: The Top Ten Graphic Novels,” particularly alongside the brilliant writers involved.

Here's critic Dan Schindel:

Comics writers and artists are often better equipped to tackle contemporary events and issues before anyone working in any other medium, and many graphic novels that came out this year demonstrate this perfectly. Both the anxiety and tentative sense of possibility that comes from living in deteriorating liberal democracies, climate change, and changing paradigms around sex and gender are all on display in everything from superhero series to indie comics.

All these ideas and much more are explored in these titles, which represent some of the most innovative art and sharpest writing to be found in 2018.

My selection was Michael Kupperman's All the Answers.

I wrote at length about All the Answers earlier this year and went to Parsons recently to see Kupperman talk about his very moving memoir. It's worth a read.

All the writing I've done at Hyperallergic is collected here, and it is inclusive of my 2018 work.


Camera as social reform tool


A rural dream world for Edmond Baudoin