It was safer to put your head down
A comic by Matt Huynh called "Cabramatta" draws on his experiences as the son of refugees and spending his childhood near an open-air drug market.
The new adult comics revolution
The graphically elaborate 1960s comics by Italian artist Guido Crepax meld hazy dream sequences and historical fact.
Probing social-protest comics of the postwar era
Comics scholar and University of South Carolina professor Qiana Whitted writes about EC’s “social-protest comics” in her new book.
Nothing would ever be the same again
For my debut at The Los Angeles Times (!), I wrote about cartoonist Brian Fies's graphic account of losing his home in the 2017 California wildfires.
Dominic Umile lives, writes, and drinks in Brooklyn, NY. His criticism and features have appeared in The Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Reader, Hyperallergic, and more. Send him an email.