The end of MAD, once a boon in comics' end-times
At The Nation, Jeet Heer writes about the impact of MAD magazine and references its origins, which came at a tumultuous time for the comic book industry and for EC Comics publisher William Gaines.
Gordon Parks's photography of a "Harlem Gang Leader"
In marking a forthcoming remake of Shaft, Maurice Berger at the New York Times reports that Gordon Parks hoped to "challenge how mainstream media portrayed African-Americans and crime.”
A significant force in modern Canadian graphic design
Via Present & Correct, I was glad to find these gorgeous early 1960s-era science textbooks designed by Rolf Harder.
The new adult comics revolution
The graphically elaborate 1960s comics by Italian artist Guido Crepax meld hazy dream sequences and historical fact.
Dominic Umile lives, writes, and drinks in Brooklyn, NY. His criticism and features have appeared in The Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Reader, Hyperallergic, and more. Send him an email.